Keyboard shortcuts
PLAYER: W / Up / Space / Enter -move forward S / Down -move backward A / Left -move left D / Right -move right R -look up F -look down PROJECT DASHBOARD: Shift + Left click -Duplicate room ROOM EDITOR: G -toggle grid T -toggle wireframe (triangles) W/A/S/D -move panorama to check object fit Shift + drag handle on cuboids -snap along normal M -move interactive mode R -rotate interactive mode S -scale interactive mode -scalFew readersSource images
Source images Output Panorama tour At present, Metareal Stage can produce 3D panorama tours, a type of virtual tour that allows users to move proportionally between panorama images in a 3D space. The panorama tours are hosted on our cloud platform and are published as a web link that can either be viewed directly or can be embedded in any website. The panorama tour incFew readersPublishing the Tour
Publishing the tour creates an end user experience that can be viewed on the Web, on mobile devices and in VR. First content is collated, consolidated and optimized in a single location. Then an URL is generated so that it can be shared. Published tours are accessible by anyone who has the URL and does not require a Metareal account. Tours can be published to multiple platform, but only the Web platform is supported in Alpha 6. Once tours are published, their content at the time of publish is sFew readersTools - Select
The select tool is used to select various 3D elements of the reconstructed room. Elements that can be selected are pano bubbles, volumes, doors and windows. Clicking on a pano bubble will set its image as the current image, and will also move the camera to the panorama location. To select other 3D elements, such as volumes, doors and windows, click on the desired element in the 3DFew readersBreadcrumb
The breadcrumb lets you know where you are in the hierarchy of a project's content. Renaming the Room You can modify the name of the room by clicking on the bold text in the breadcrumb and entering text. Hitting enter once the name is good will save the changeFew readersExporting the Tour
In Beta 6.x, exporting tours is an experimental feature and is not yet available generally. However, some 2D export options are available for floorplans (SVG, DXF) if you have a paid subscription, and a 3D export option (FBX) is available for testing. If you'd like to test FBX, just reach out to us via the chat box and we'll see what we can do.Few readersEditing the Tour
Hit the EDIT TOUR to go to the tour editor and edit the current tour. To reset the tour and rebuild it, hit RESET TOUR. This will only clear the room assembly as well as the tour styling and labels. Rooms and Source Images will not be deleted. Warning: resetting the tour is a permanent operation and is not undoable.Few readersDesktop Player
The player lets user experience the final published tour. To access the player, open a web browser and simply follow the tour's published URL. Currently supported web browsers are Google Chrome and Safari, other browser may work but haven't been thoroughly validated yet. The player provides the ability to show the FLOOR PLAN, MODE VIEW and TOUR, with the player's view switcher. And a list of rooms is also displayed at the bottom of the player's interface to quickly navigate to anyFew readersSystem Requirements
In order to use Metareal Stage to produce virtual tours, your system must meet the following requirements:Few readersRoom Content and Data
A room is defined by a space that is delimited by the boundaries of the floor outline. The floor outline is also used to generate the floor plans. A room contains geometry. The geometry is defined by a floor, a ceiling, walls, doors, windows and volumes. Geometry provides the support on which panoramas are projected to construct the final image. A room uses panorama images to projFew readersPreview - Tour Properties
Tour properties are edited in the Helper Panel. Tour Type Panorama Hopping Panorama hopping allows the user to navigate by clicking on pano bubbles or pano locators. Virtual Reality Virtual reality mode is still under development in this version. SFew readersManaging Source Images
Source images are equirectangular panoramic photos that have been taken with either a DSLR camera with a pano bracket, or a 360 camera such as a Theta S or a Samsung Gear 360. Images need to be in 360° x 180° field of view format. Non-panorama images need to be stitched into this format using a third-party tool such as PTGUI Pro, such as when taking pictures with a DSLR camera and a detent/pano-bracket. Currently supported formats include JPG and PNG. Source images are managed in the Source IFew readersMobile Player
The Mobile Player lets users experience the final published tour on mobile devices such as Android smartphones, IPhones and IPads. To access the player, open a web browser on your mobile device and simply follow the tour's published URL. Tours can be viewed in Portrait and Landscape mode. The player provides the ability to show the FLOOR PLAN, MODEL and TOUR, with the player's view switcher. And a list of rooms is also displayed at the bottom of the player's interface to quickly navigate to aFew readersImage List
The image list is used to manage all panorama images that are used in the room reconstruction. The image list pane can be hidden or displayed by hitting the arrow button left of ADD IMAGE. The Image Tile ( readersHelper - Cube
The Cube Helper let's you name your cube volume and choose it's category. Visible categories will show up in the Tour's Floorplan. The Helper also allows you to convert your cube into a Wedge volume by removing one edge. Wedges are useful for things like modeling staircases.Few readersManaging Rooms
Rooms are 3D environments that are reconstructed using source images. Rooms can be assembled and connected together to create the virtual tour. Rooms are managed in the Rooms section in the project dashboard. Rooms are represented by the room tile. The room tile displays information like the room name, as well as the room floor plan outline. ( readersManaging Projects
Thumbnail/list view Projects can be displayed as tiles in the thumbnail view or as rows in the list view. Each project can have the following elements: The name of the project The snapshot of the starting location in the tour A checkbox for selecting it Various built-in properties (creation date, modified date, status) User tags (custom columns) with theirFew readersIntroduction
The Project Browser is the hub for managing all your projects, as well as accessing your user's tools and profile. From here you can browse the projects you have created as well as add and delete projects. There are two kinds of Project Browser view. Thumbnail view, which is ideal for small numbers of projects: And List view, which is ideal for managing larger numbers of projectsFew readersTour Information
Tour information such as the name of the virtual tour can be modified, while date created and date modified are automatically generated. Project name Click on the bold text in the breadcrumb or the edit icon to edit the project name.Few readersReference Panorama
Reference Panorama The reference panorama, not to be confused with the blend reference, is the panorama image that is used as a reference for the reconstructed room. Its location is set at the origin and the 3D geometry is built around that origin. The orientation of the reference panorama determines the general orientation of the room geometry. Make Reference To make a paFew readersTools - Reconstruction - Volumes
Volume tools are used to add volumes inside of the room boundaries. These volumes are used as projection support for the panorama images. Volumes are usually used for furniture or props. Cuboid Tool The cuboid tool is used to create a cuboid volume. To create aFew readersPlan View
PLAN VIEW is used to assemble rooms together and have a floor plan view of the tour. To navigate in the PLAN VIEW, Use the mouse wheel to zoom-in or out Draw in the viewport to pan in the plan Room List The room list panel is used to manage rooms used in the tour. Only rooms that are not used in the tour are listed. ( readersUsing Bluetooth Game Controllers with the Player
The Metareal Stage Player now supports bluetooth game controllers on IOS and Android devices. The only function that is currently supported is moving between panoramas. This is the equivalent of clicking on the left mouse button to start moving to a new panorama in the desktop browser, or tapping the screen on mobile devices. You can trigger the function through: Left mouse click Touch/Tap on screen ENTER Key Please refer to your controller's documentation to pair it to your mobFew readersTools - Reconstruction
The reconstruction tools allows you to construct the basic shape of the room and register panorama images with the existing geometry.Few readersUser Tools
User tools are accessed by hovering over the hamburger menu at the top right, next to the user name and user avatar. Support Crisp is our main support platform. To access it, you simply click the chatbox at the bottom right of the screen. Billing The billingFew readersGeneral Navigation
The hamburger menu next to the user name and user avatar, on the top right, is used to access support, user profile, billing and to log out: The breadcrumb is used to track where you are in the navigation hierarchy: The back arrow will take you back to the previous lFew readersProject Content
A project contains all content and data necessary to create, edit and publish a virtual tour. This content and data are: Tour information, such as the name, location, date of creation and last date of modification Source images that are used for the rooms reconstruction and the virtual tour Rooms that are reconstructed from source images and that are used as geometry in the virtual tour Published versions of the tour, which are accessible publicly Please note that the project aFew readersMulti-Tab Editing
Metareal Stage supports editing the different parts of a tour in multiple tabs. Open in New Tab To open a room or a tour in a different tab, hold the CTRL key when clicking on buttons to create or edit those rooms or the tour. For example: Holding the CTRL key when clicking on NEW ROOM or EDIT TOUR will open the appropriate editors in a different tab. Note that thFew readersHelper - Draw Door
The door helper panel provides additional ways of creating doors and doorways. Place Door PLACE DOOR lets you create a door in the current room with the exact same dimensions as existing doors from other rooms in the tour. This will enable the two rooms to connect correctly when adding them in the tour editor. First select the existing door to place in the list. (httpsFew readersIntroduction to the Tour Editor
The Tour Editor provides a set of tools to assemble Rooms together and configure the virtual tour once the Rooms have been reconstructed. This editor also lets you add a nadir logo, a screen logo, and preview the floorplan, the 3D model, and the tour before publishing, to make sure everything is configured correctly.Few readersHelper - Draw
Ceiling Height Changes the room's ceiling height. Enter a numerical value or use the MEASURE tool to do it visually. To use the MEASURE tool, hit the MEASURE button. Then click on the floor, preferably where a wall meets the floor. (https://storagFew readersTop Bar
The top bar provides controls over visualization as well as general editing controls. Visual Guides Grid Displays a semi-transparent coloured grid. Each square is one meter long. Each colour represents a quadrant in cartesian coordinates (where Y is UP). YouFew readersModel View
MODEL VIEW is used to have a 3D model view of your tour, exactly like in traditional 3D modeling applications. To navigate in the MODEL VIEW Mouse wheel to zoom in/out Drag in the 3D viewport to orbit around the view Double click on a room to center the camera on that roomFew readersTools - Reconstruction - Snap
Use this tool to position a panorama image in space relative to the existing room geometry. Panorama registration is the process of positioning and orienting panoramas in 3D space by using feature matching or snaps. In order for the registration to work, a minimum of 2 snaps on floor corners are required. Additional snaps refine the registration solution. Note: the first 2Few readersTools - Reconstruction - Openings
Opening tools are used to define openings in the room. They can be doors, doorways, windows, stairs or simply non-existing walls. Stairs are not implemented in this version Create a Door or a Window Select the appropriate tool to create a door or doorway (httpFew readersHelper
The helper pane provides a contextual interface that describes the current selection and provides properties and tools for it. The helper pane can be hidden or displayed by hitting the arrow button at the top right.Few readersTools
The active tool is highlighted in white. Tools that can be used for the current image are highlighted in light grey. Tools that cannot be used for theFew readersPreview
PREVIEW is used to set the tour's display options and to preview it as it would when published. The same player used for published tours will appear when switching to PREVIEW mode. The Helper Panel will also be available to edit different properties of the tour. The preview player also has the ability to show the FLOOR PLAN, MODEL VIEW and TOUR, with the player's view switcher. And a list of rooms is also displayed at the bottom of the player's interface to quickly navigatFew readersTour Content and Data
Tour Screenshot of Metareal Stage tour A tour is an assembly of connected rooms that are navigable by the end user. The tour may also contain labels which display information in 3D space about specific features of the location. Finally, the tour can have a title, a location, and a logo. Rooms Floorplan with connected rooms ( readersHelper - Cone
Using the cone Helper, you can name your object, and choose it's category. Visible categories will show up in the Tour's Floorplan.Few readersHelper - Door
The door helper panel displays the selected door properties. You can set the name, its thickness and whether the door is a doorway (None), a Closed door or an Open door, and whether the door is open inward, outward or is a sliding door.Few readersGeneral Interface
The room editor is divided into 6 areas. The breadcrumb, the top bar, the image list, the tools, the 3D view and the contextual helper. Every action in the editor is recorded and undoable. Saving data is done automatically, and the undo stack is persisted across editing sessions. Warning: unlike the undo stack which is preserved across editing sessions, the redo stack is resetFew readersTools - Reconstruction - Mask
Not (yet) implemented.Few readers