Articles on: We Build It For You

How to prepare/submit your tours for processing

Make sure your images are in the right format. Supported image formats are PNG and JPG, and they have to be 360 equirectangular panoramas (360x180 degrees) with a 2:1 aspect ratio, like this:

Even if your images are equirectangular panoramas, there are some other considerations to take into account to make a workable 3D virtual tour:

Do each of your panoramas have clear line-of-sight to at least one other panorama in the set? If not, you job submission will likely be rejected.
If possible, make sure your tour is a single building or location - multiple buildings should be submitted as separate tours. Don't worry, you can connect them together afterwards if needed.
If your tour includes exteriors, be aware that only areas with level ground can be used. Areas with uneven terrain will be extremely approximate, if they can be used at all.
Are all the doors of interior rooms open (don't worry about cupboards). If not, the production team may not be able to work out which rooms belong where, and your tour may be rejected.
Do you have images in doorways? (Are there images on the threshold between rooms?) - this complicates reconstruction in Metareal, and if there are more than 1 or 2 such images, your job submission may be rejected.
Have you included duplicate images by mistake? You will be charged per image, even if there are duplicates, so it will cost you more.

In your Project Browser, click "New Project".

On the following page, input the subsequent details listed below.

a) Input your project name.
b) You have the option to upload your images directly from your local drive or through cloud storage services like Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox.
c) Ensure to select the appropriate unit system for your project.
d) Specify the lens height accordingly. For more detailed information, please refer to the Lens Height guide.
e) Enter the Nadir size specific to your project. You can find additional details on this in the Nadir guide.
f) Click on the "Build It For Me" button to proceed with the process.

Note: You also have the option to directly submit the job from the project dashboard upon uploading the images. See here:

Enable the essential options on this page and proceed by selecting "Continue."

a) Activate this if you require a virtual tour and 3D model for your project.
b) If you wish to request a high-quality floor plan, please enable this option. More details can be found in this guide.
c) Select this option if you need the job completed within 24 hours. Please be aware that this option is exclusively available for our Premium users and incurs an additional cost. Refer to this article for more details.
d) Choose the regions where you want the tour to be published. Refer to this article for further information on tour regions.
e) Utilize this section to provide any comments that could assist the production team in working on the project. Note that we do not accept tour customizations unless for Enterprise users. Please refer to this article to understand what's included with the service.
f) Click on "Continue."

On this page, please ensure that you mark all the checklist options and meet all the specified requirements before proceeding. Click "Continue" to move on to the next step.

Please indicate your acceptance of the production contract by checking the box and proceed by clicking "Submit." Following this, you will be redirected to the payment page.

Upon successful payment, your job will be submitted to us.

Your project status will change to Pending, while we do a quick check if your images are in the right format, and if we have enough information to build your tour (which takes 1-12 hours depending on the time of day when you submit).

Once your project is Approved, the clock starts ticking and we'll start working on it. If your tour contains 60 panoramas or less, you should get your fully built project back within 2 working days*, at which point we'll send you an email notification to tell you the project is done.

Please note that, due to the need for fast processing times, we cannot accept logos, nadir patches or additional instructions with your tour submission. It's easy to add such items to your tour once it has been delivered.

Updated on: 19/09/2024

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