Articles on: Stage Documentation

Top Bar

The top bar provides controls over visualization as well as general editing controls.

Visual Guides


Displays a semi-transparent coloured grid. Each square is one meter long.

Each colour represents a quadrant in cartesian coordinates (where Y is UP). You can also use the G key to toggle the grid on or off.

Black: -X, -Z

Red: +X, -Z

Pink: +X, +Z

Blue: -X, +Z


Displays walls, floor and ceiling edges as well as corners.


Displays volume boundaries. Volumes are used as a projection support for the panorama images for elements that are not walls, floor or ceiling.


Displays registration markers. Registration markers are matching points on panorama images and the 3D geometry that are used to position and orient each panorama images in space, both for navigation and also for projection.


Displays doorways. Doorways are used to identify openings, doors and windows. They are also used to connect rooms together.

Pano Bubbles

Display pano bubbles. Pano bubbles show the location (position and rotation) of each panorama image in 3D space.


Blend allows you to blend a reference panorama with the current panorama and compare the difference between the two. The number on the left side indicates which panorama is the reference, the number on the right side indicates which panorama is the current panorama and the slider modifies the blend between the two.

Selecting the reference panorama for blending

To select a reference panorama for blending, hover over the desired panorama in the image list and hit the


Selecting the current panorama

To select the current panorama, hover over the desired panorama in the image list and click in the thumbnail. The tile should have a red rubber band around it.

View Modes

View modes are used to change the 3D display to accommodate the different room reconstruction workflows. View modes are changed by hovering over the current view mode and selecting the desired mode.  

Panorama View

The panorama view is the default view for editing rooms. The following camera controls are available:

Looking around - Click anywhere but on visual guides, and drag
Zoom in/out - Use the mouse wheel

Plan View

The plan view is a top/down view of the 3D environment. It is mainly used to orient the reference panorama and draw floor outlines. The following camera controls are available:

Pan the view - Click anywhere but on visual guides, and drag
Zoom in/out - Use the mouse wheel

Levelling View

The levelling view is used to constraint the panorama view so that the camera look movement can only be horizontal. A screen grid is also displayed to as a visual guide to display perfect horizontality and verticality. This is useful when checking for vertical features, especially when levelling panoramas. The following camera controls are available:

Looking around (only horizontal) - Click anywhere but on visual guides, and drag
Zoom in/out - Use the mouse wheel

VR Preview

VR preview optimizes the room, blending all panoramas together, and displays is as it would in the published tour. You can navigate anywhere, allowing you to see the 3D environment from any point and at any angle. The following camera controls are available:

Looking around - Click anywhere and drag
Moving around - Look at the floor, move the blue circle to where you want to go, and click.


UNDO and REDO are used to undoing and redoing edits in the room editor. You can also use CTRL-Z and CTRL-Y on Windows, or CMD-Z and CMD-Y on MacOS to undo or redo.

The refresh button

will turn red when the room have been changed outside of the current editing session. Hit the refresh button to get the latest edits.

Updated on: 14/06/2021

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