Articles on: Stage Documentation

Managing Rooms

Rooms are 3D environments that are reconstructed using source images. Rooms can be assembled and connected together to create the virtual tour. Rooms are managed in the Rooms section in the project dashboard.

Rooms are represented by the room tile. The room tile displays information like the room name, as well as the room floor plan outline.

Rooms that don't have geometry will be displayed with the following icon:

Creating rooms

Create an empty room

Hit NEW ROOM. This will create a blank room and open it in the room editor.

Create a room using existing source images

First select the source images that will be used in the room.

And hit NEW ROOM. This will create a room with the selected images already in the image list.

Deleting rooms

To delete a room, hit the delete button at the top right of the room tile.

Warning: deleting a room is a permanent operation and is not undoable. Deleted rooms will no longer show up in the tour editor.

Updated on: 14/06/2021

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