YouTube Tutorials
There are lots of videos on Metareal's YouTube channel, Getting Started https:Few readersWhat is Metareal Stage?
Quick overview of Metareal Stage & what you can make with itPopularHow to use Metareal Stage: Build Your Own vs. Built For You
The two ways to create projects with Metareal Stage, and which one you should go withPopularWhat are the minimum specs needed to use Metareal Stage?
Our recommended hardware and software setup for minimal lagging and errors when using the softwareSome readersMeasurement accuracy
Dimensions and measurement accuracy are a function of several factors: Image resolution - More pixels means more accuracy. Lens height measurement accuracy (the distance between the ground and the nodal point of your camera's lens) - You can also calibrate the measurements against a real-world measurement. As an example, in a rectangle-shaped room of 200 sqft, we normally achieve 98% or better accuracy. Room size - Dimensions are triangulated from tSome readersChanging your project settings
Set the default values and measurements of your projectFew readersCan I build outdoor/exterior tours with Metareal?
Yes, you can build outdoor/exterior tours with Metareal. However, we're currently optimized for interior spaces, so building an entirely exterior tour (like an outdoor theme park) would be a bad idea. The 3D model may not appear as polished as it would for an interior setting. But you can definitely do an interior tour with some exterior spaces included, or a tour that's only made up of flat ground exterior spaces. For example, it's very easy to do a Metareal tour of a house with a garden, porcSome readers